Author Archives: madhuguptha

Aadhaar scam: Top UID official in Hyderabad for probe

HYDERABAD: Even as it turns out that most of the 30,000 Aadhaar cards fraudulently processed by a computer operator here have been dispatched to the named individuals, a shaken Unique Identification Authority of India ( UIDAI) on Friday suspended the enrolment of the Aadhaar cards for the physically challenged across the country and dispatched a top official from Mumbai to Hyderabad to jointly probe the scam with the city cops and ascertain whether the scam had wider ramifications including a terror design.

Mohammed Ali, an SSC-qualified data entry supervisor working for Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services Limited (ILFSL), who was nabbed by a city police team in Mumbai on Thursday night, was brought to the city on Friday. ILFSL is one of the eight agencies given the task of Aadhaar card enrolment in the state. Ali, it turns out, had enrolled over 30,000 Aadhaar cards including 800 under the physically disabled quota with fake details.

Urging the state government to take serious note of the issue, the IAS officers said that the advocate general or an eminent lawyer should defend the right of the government to take executive decisions. Also to be defended is the right of the government to a judicial scrutiny or validation of such orders before these orders by themselves become a subject or evidence for investigation and prosecution of public servants.

“The principle that all GOs are orders of the government and not acts of individual should be upheld till proven otherwise in a court of law and not in a police station,” the eight officers said. The replies are to be sent to the Supreme Court by April 30.

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Sun and its amazing solar storms


NASA handout image shows the Sun acquired by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory on March 8, 2012. A strong geomagnetic storm is racing from the Sun toward Earth, and its expected arrival could affect power grids, airplane routes and space-based satellite navigation systems, US space weather experts said.


NASA handout image shows the Sun acquired by the Solar Dynamics Observatory on March 8, 2012.


NOAA handout image shows the Sun’s activity on March 8, 2012.


This NASA image of the sun, captured by The Solar Dynamics Observatory spacecraft January 28, 2011, shows nearly simultaneous solar eruptions on opposite sides of the Sun. A filament on the left side became unstable and erupted, while an M-1 flare and a coronal mass ejection on the right blasted into space.


A handout picture shows Coronal Mass Ejection as viewed by the Solar Dynamics Observatory on June 7, 2011. The Sun unleashed an M-2 (medium-sized) solar flare, an S1-class (minor) radiation storm and a spectacular coronal mass ejection (CME) on June 7, 2011 from sunspot complex 1226-1227. The large cloud of particles mushroomed up and fell back down looking as if it covered an area of almost half the solar surface. The sun is entering a more active phase due to peak in 2013 on a roughly 11-year sunspot cycle, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said. Power supplies, air traffic control, communications and satellites can all be disrupted by storms.


The sun erupts with one of the largest solar flares of this solar cycle in this NASA handout photo taken on March 6, 2012. This flare was categorized as an X5.4, making it the second largest flare after an X6.9 on August 9, 2011, since the sun’s activity segued into a period of relatively low activity called solar minimum in early 2007. The current increase in the number of X-class flares is part of the sun’s normal 11-year solar cycle, during which activity on the sun ramps up to solar maximum, which is expected to peak in late 2013.


The sun erupts with one of the largest solar flares of this solar cycle in this multi-colored NASA handout photo taken on March 6, 2012.


The Solar Dynamics Observatory captures an M8.7 class flare in a handout photo released by NASA January 23, 2012. The flare is shown here in teal as that is the color typically used to show light in the 131 Angstrom wavelength, a wavelength in which it is easy to view solar flares. The flare began at 10:38 PM ET on January 22, 2012, peaked at 10:59 PM and ended at 11:34 PM.


This image of a large X2 flare from the Sun taken on February 15, 2011, as seen by Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) in extreme ultraviolet light has been enlarged and superimposed on SOHO’s C2 coronagraph for the same period, in this photograph released by NASA February 16, 2011. This was the largest flare in over four years. The coronagraph shows the faint edge of a ‘halo’ coronal mass ejection (CME) as it races away from the Sun and was heading towards Earth. Scientists predict that this CME is likely to catch up with ones from February 13 and 14, and the whole mass of particles should reach Earth late February 18th.


Solar activity is shown in an image made by NASA’s SOHO Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) instrument at 6:30 a.m. (1130 GMT) on October 28, 2003. The cloud, known to astronomers as a coronal mass ejection, is the one of the strongest ever detected since scientists started measuring these phenomena a quarter-century ago.


Solar activity is shown in an image made by NASA’s SOHO Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) instrument at 6:30 a.m. (1130 GMT) on October 28, 2003.


Aurora Australis, or the ‘Southern Lights’, glow in the sky over the town of Glenn Ourua near Palmeston North, north of New Zealand’s national capital Wellington on April 1, 2001, in the area’s most dramatic display since 1989. Auroral activity results from atomic particles spiralling into the earth’s north and south polar atmosphere along magnetic field lines and then colliding with atmospheric molecules, resulting in the emission of energy in different forms including light. Four solar flares and a pair of powerful magnetic gas clouds spawned in a monster sunspot are believed to have produced this dazzling display.


Photograph taken by George Simnet, a solar physicist at the University of Birmingham and released March 4 by Britain’s Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (PPARC), shows the Sun ‘sneezing’ a huge bubble of hydrogen gas, as seen by the SOHO explorer, a joint NASA-European Space Agency project. A similar flare knocked out AT&T’s Telstar 401 television relay satellite on January 11, ruining viewing for millions of people.


An artist conceptual drawing illustrates two spacecraft in orbit around the sun. The new twin spacecraft are already helping scientists track pesky solar storms from the sun to Earth, where they can disrupt satellites, communications and sometimes the electricity supply, the US space agency said on March 1, 2007.


The sun, a portion of the International Space Station and Earth’s horizon are seen during the Space Shuttle Endeavour STS-134 mission’s fourth spacewalk in this NASA handout photo dated May 2011. REUTERS/NASA/Handout


This image provided by NASA shows an artist’s depiction showing a discovery by NASA’s Kepler mission of a world where two suns set over the horizon instead of just one. The planet, called Kepler-16b, is the most ‘Tatooine-like’ planet yet found in our galaxy and is depicted here with its two stars. Tatooine is the name of Luke Skywalker’s home world in the science fiction movie Star Wars. In this case, the planet it not thought to be habitable.


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8 most polluted cities in India

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Life after SSLC results. What is the best course to take? Guidence to the parents to lead there children into there Bright feature……..


Not just science, options galore

It’s a tense time for over 4.7 lakh students in the state who are awaiting the results of the SSLC exams, which will be out in a few hours.

And the big question will be what course to select — the first major decision that will shape their future.

Science has been the most popular option for many years, but what many students don’t know is that there are 45 combinations of subjects available.

“Even in the Science stream there are nine combinations of subjects available. It’s not just Physics-Chemistry-Biology- Maths.

A science enthusiast can go for the combination of Physics-Chemistry-Geology-Maths. Students can also go in for Home Science, Geology, Computer Science, Electronics, Statistics and Psychology according to their taste,” said Anil Kumar S.S., joint director (Academics), Department of Higher Secondary Education.

The Humanities stream has the most combination of subjects — 35. The subjects are as diverse as Music, Anthropology, Journalism, Social Work and Communicative English.

“History and Economics are compulsory in the Humanities stream just as Physics and Chemistry are in the Science stream.

The Commerce stream has options of Maths, Statistics, Political Science and Computer Science,” he said.

According to experts, only in Kerala does the “craze” for the Science stream exist. Students and parents often make crucial decision about the choice of subject without any rational basis.

“It’s the parents who weave dreams about their children who are not mature enough to understand the first turning point in the child’s life.

Instead of finding out the aptitude of the students, they want their children to become only doctors and engineers.

And there is only one or maximum two combinations before them,” says education expert and former vice-chancellor of M.G. University, Dr A. Sukumaran Nair.

He emphasises that students should undergo an aptitude test which will show which stream is best suited to the individual student.

Either some guidance should be given in schools, or the students must be allowed to develop their own ideas about what will best suit them.

For example, a student should analyse whether he/she has the cluster of interests needed to become a doctor.

The job of a teacher is different from that of a statistician, and each needs a different kind of skill, Mr Nair points out.

“Though the CBSE has implemented the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE), it’s not complete, in the sense that the children are not briefed about their career prospects in accordance with their aptitude.

But it’s welcome that marks are not based only on a few subjects and a vast number of activities are considered for the same,” Mr Nair said.

In developed countries, schools employ councillors at the elementary level who explain to students in simple words what are the options before them and what they are best suited for.

“There, the students or their parents will be given a rough idea of even the cost of study,” he said.

T.P.M. Ibrahim Khan, president of the Kerala CBSE School Managements’ Association says most CBSE schools have introduced aptitude tests.

“The aptitude test along with other school records and CCE would help students, parents, and teachers decide the choice of subjects in class X1. The Board has included more subjects like Music and Hospitality.”

Though a little late in the day, the higher education department is rolling out a special programme ‘FOCUS POINT’ from this June to help students choose the stream that will best suit them.

“W found that neither the kids nor their parents are selecting the stream based on the child’s aptitude or the career that interests her/him.

Through the programme, we will assess the children and inform them and their parents about the scope of each combination of subjects and the respective career prospects,” said Dr S. Nazeeb, state co-ordinator, Higher Secondary Career Guidance and Counselling Cell.

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I Love My India

Think what we had done to our Nation.But not what Nation has done to hus……………..Jai Hind.

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Inspires each and every one.

Dont wait for the others by skiping your job…………………..

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Edu site

Edu site

Educational site is riseing day by day……………….

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US Helping India to Establish Community Colleges.


Washington: The United States is working with India to flesh out an initiative to set up hundreds of community colleges in India on the American pattern, according to state department spokesperson Victoria Nuland.
                   “Well, obviously, we support this initiative,” said Victoria Nuland on Tuesday when asked about the visit of educationministers from several Indian states to explore the possibility of opening such publicly funded two-year institutions that primarily attract students from the local community.
                    The state department, Nulanad said, has “been working with the Indian side to flesh out the initiative” that was agreed between President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, through its education bureau.
                     Asked if the Indian degrees are accepted in the United States, she said that was on a case-by-case issue depending upon where they graduate from and where they’re looking to get accredited from.
                    “So obviously, if there’s a sister university relationship, sometimes those accreditations can be recognized, but it just depends on what they want to do,” Nuland said. “I don’t think there’s a blanket way of looking at that.”
                 The United States had also not changed its policy for the issue of student visas after the closure of a couple of sham universities affected hundreds Indian students, but the US institutions get greater scrutiny, she said.
                “I think what we are doing is making sure that the sponsoring organizations truly are what they say they are in the United States; that if they say that they are bringing students over to educate them, that they intend to educate them, not put them to work, et cetera.

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For Intermediat Results 2012.

For Intermediat Results 2012 please visit

It is an upcomeing site for educational news and the details of the schools and the colleges located all around the Andhra Pradesh(state).

No other web site is provideing the deep details of the schools and colleges………………….

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